Factoring | find the right solution
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What is factoring and what types are there?
It is common for companies to tie up a lot of capital in the company, as result of the time lag between when a company's customers pay compared to when the company has to purchase goods.
Factoring is a good option to improve liquidity and reduce administrative burden in the company. Factoring or invoice finance means that a company sells or pledges its invoices to a factoring company, which pays for the invoices directly. Invoice finance frees up capital in the company, which gives more room for investments and new projects.
A factoring company pays you most of the invoiced amount immediately and then collects the payment directly from your customers. They also handle administration and any reminders.
Invoice discounting
The day after your invoicing, you receive 80-100% of the invoice value in your account.
Your limit is adjusted continuously, thus increasing when sales grow.
Sell invoices/Invoice purchase
You sell individual invoices or multiple invoices continuously and receive payment for the entire invoice value minus commission.
You always utilize 100% of the credit, which can lead to higher costs.
4 questions to decide if factoring is right for your business
Are your sales within B2B?
Factoring is most advantageous for B2B invoices. However, there are also factoring companies that accept invoices for private individuals.
Does your company have at least SEK 1 million in turnover?
Invoices will be sent by the factoring company. It takes some time to setup the integration and therefore several invoice financing companies have a minimum turnover requirement.
How much capital do you need to borrow?
If you need to borrow for a purchase or generally a larger sum, a business loan or business leasing might be more relevant.
What credit terms do you have?
Ideal are payment terms of 30-90 days. The factoring company will assess the creditworthiness of the invoice recipients to determine which invoices can be sold.
How you get better terms on factoring with Krea
Up to 30 banks compete for your business
Selection of our banks and lenders
We expose the most banks and lenders to competition on the market.
Invoice financing with best terms guarantee
You always get the same or better terms with Krea as with the invoice financing company.
How we save time for you
Krea does the work for you throughout the entire process
You get a personal advisor
When you start an application, you will be assigned an advisor dedicated to your business. The adviser's task is to ensure that you get the best terms possible.
Krea optimizes your application
We recommend how to improve your application. Based on 20,000 previous customers, we know how to get the best terms.
Part of Krea's team of advisors
Get an initial assessment of available financing solutions
See your company’s credit limit. You get an answer immediately, without a credit check.
There are not only advantages to factoring
Since invoce financing is a fairly new way of financing the company, it can feel like a big advantage - a solution to poor cash flow and a lot of administration. But a growing percentage of companies have had negative experiences.
- High costs - especially if you pay more than 3-4%
- Locking in expensive contracts - a regular contract has no binding period!
- Clumsy handling of the customer relationship
It is therefore important to carefully consider the pros and cons before signing an agreement.
You get paid immediately when you send a new invoice and don't have to wait 30-90 days
You can insure the risk that the customer does not pay (note, however, that you can also do it without factoring)
Great if you want to solve a short-term financing need
Grows with your business - if you sell more, you get more space
It costs and you lose 1-2% of the turnover
Usually more expensive compared to loan financing
Many invoice financing companies have a minimum turnover requirement and therefore it is usually not suitable for start-up companies
You lose control over the management of accounts receivable, which can make it more difficult to maintain good customer relationships
Do customers feel negatively about invoice financing?
Invoice financing is sometimes a negatively charged word. Many business owners think that customers think that their own business is going badly if they need to sell invoices.
Over time, however, costs for invoice financing have become more and more like a regular loan, and more and more entrepreneurs see it as a smart solution for temporary liquidity. What determines the most for the customer is probably which factoring company is chosen, as customer treatment can differ quite strongly. It is therefore more important than with a loan to check different options and review customer reviews.
How much does factoring cost? | Calculate the monthly cost for your business
Invoice financing in three steps
Upload your invoices or ledgers
Create the application yourself or book an appointment with one of our advisors free of charge.
We optimize your application
We ensure that your company is presented in the best possible way. Only 1 credit report is taken.
We help you choose the best offer
Sign the agreement and get the money paid out. Usually within 1-10 days.
Since 2018, we have helped more than 20 000 companies find better terms and take their business to the next level. Read more about Krea.
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