Find the best funding for your business with Krea
1 application, 30+ lenders, payout within 1-10 days
Better terms | We let most lenders compete for your business - see how+
Save time | Our advisers find the right financing for your company
Find the right financing for any need
Loans for businesses regardless of need
Let most lenders compete
No fixed term
Find the factoring agreement with the best price
Get a quote in 5-10 minutes
Sell individual or all invoices
Invoice financing B2B and B2C
Machine loan or leasing of machines
Finance machinery or equipment
Digital application process
See the monthly cost before applying
Get financing with better terms
We let up to 30 banks and other lenders compete for your business
Selection of our banks and other lenders

We let most banks compete for your business
Best terms guaranteed
You always get the same or better terms with Krea as with any lender.
How we save time for you
Krea does the work for you throughout the entire process
You get a personal advisor
When you start an application, you will be assigned an advisor dedicated to your business. The adviser's task is to ensure that you get the best terms possible.
Krea optimizes your application
We recommend how to improve your application. Based on 20,000 previous customers, we know how to get the best terms.
Part of Krea's team of advisors
Get an initial assessment of available financing solutions
See your company’s credit limit. You get an answer immediately, without a credit check.
This is how it works
Tell us about your company and your financing needs
Create the application yourself or book a free appointment with one of our advisors. Only one credit check on your company will be conducted.
We help you find the best financing option
You will receive offers from multiple lenders, and we will recommend the best one for you.
The funding is paid out
The lender will contact you to finalize the agreement, and you will receive the funded amount. Typically, this process takes 1-10 days.
Apply for funding between 10,000 and 30 million kronor
At Krea, you can apply for business financing for various needs. We offer business loans, corporate leasing, factoring, corporate credit, and real estate loans. With just one application, you can choose from several proposals and select the right solution for your company.
Since 2018, we have helped more than 20 000 companies find better terms and take their business to the next level. Read more about Krea.
SEK 1.7 billion
We have helped over 20 000 businesses
Small business owners trust us
Read about Krea in the media
Here you will find more information about Krea, including launches of new features, collaborations, and other insights that we share in the media.